Want to Improve your Journal?
Grow your impact with us!
Simple workflow
Better peer-review process happens faster using Gigvvy Science, the peer-review platform for your Journal.

Efficient team work for everyone
Gigvvy Science platform is for authors, journal editors, and reviewers. Designed by academics for academics.
Compliance with DOAJ and Plan S
We help you deposit content into a long-term preservation
or archiving program
or archiving program

Peer-Review Management
Manage all manuscripts, the collaboration hub for your team.

Professional typesetting for scientific publications.

Online Publishing
Instant online pre-print and post-print publications with DOI numbers.

Streamline journal's payment pipeline.

Journal Platform
The perfect journal platform for your team.

Build Communities
We connect your journal to the rest of the world.
How can we help you today?
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